Tuesday, June 27, 2023

July 2023


--- Embracing God ---
His Life Ministries
July 2023 Series

July 2023
Embracing God Series

PRAY that the PREACHING series "Embracing God" will enable us to be strong in our faith resulting to complete trust and absolute surrender to the Lordship of JESUS Christ. 

PRAY that His will is always our priority in all of our endeavors and that we find ourselves saying always,
"Not My Will but Thy Will
be Done LORD".

PRAY that RENEWAL and REVIVAL will visit our Weekend Sunday Worship CELEBRATION gatherings.

PRAY that everyone at His Life Ministries will embrace and move forward in our vision to Glorify God and Make Disciples all AROUND the WORLD.

PRAY that all Believers will truly be Light and Salt in the different arenas of SOCIETY we are placed.
A-rt B-usiness C-ivics&Sports
D-iscoveries&Science E-ducation
F-amily, G-overnment, H-ealth,
I-nmates, J-obless

PRAY for our YX NACIONAL TRIBO CAMP 2023, that ALL our campers will see their purpose and direction as they encounter God throughout the CAMP.

PRAY the will of God for our
Julius Hall Project.

PRAY and bring to the LORD each Spiritual Growth Activity
we have this MONTH.

-- Main Verse --

Mark 14:34–36
— GOD'S WORD Translation (GW)
 34 He said to them, "My anguish is so great that I feel as if I'm dying. Wait here, and stay awake." 35 After walking a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if it were possible he might not have to suffer what was ahead of him. 36 He said, "Abba! Father! You can do anything. Take this cup of suffering away from me. But let your will be done rather than mine."

-- Series Overview --
Have there been times when you have been praying fervently, yet it seems as though God is not listening to your petitions? You are aware of what you desire. Even if your question is undeniable, no one seems to notice it. The question that needs to be answered is whether or not the way we pray conforms with God's will. Or are we required to act by our own will? 

According to this passage of scripture, Jesus was in great sorrow and distress as He made his way to the Garden of Gethsemane. This moment is the FINAL moment of Jesus' life. He prayed to God, saying, "Yet I want your will to be done, not mine." God heard his petition and answered it. Jesus decided to submit to the will of the Father despite the difficulty of the situation. 

The series aims to transform our minds so that we recognize that God is in control of everything, and I pray that we will never let our feelings influence how we submit to God's will.

-- Weekly Titles --

July 02, 2023
Kick Off:
Embracing God

One of the most significant and emotionally taxing moments of Jesus' earthly journey occurred in the Garden of Gethsemane  Jesus, aware that his execution by crucifixion was drawing near, withdrew to this garden to pray and seek comfort from his heavenly Father. Jesus collapsed to the ground, overcome by the imminent agony and sacrifice he was going through. He was utterly overwhelmed by what he was about to go through. He prayed earnestly, acknowledging the frailty of his human nature and begging God if it were even remotely possible for the cup of pain to be removed from him. Despite this, even amid His suffering, Jesus committed His entire being to the will of His Father, understanding that God's plan and purpose must ultimately be successful. He commanded, "Not my will, but yours be done," a profound statement demonstrating His unflinching obedience and love for all people.

JULY 9, 2023
Week One:
Embracing God’s Will Over Ours

“Let your heart therefore be wholly true to the Lord our God, walking in his statutes and keeping his commandments, as on this day.”
‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭8‬:‭61‬ ‭ESV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Jesus choosing the will of Father God over His own is a profound example of obedience, humility, and submission. Despite facing immense suffering and anguish, Jesus willingly embraced the Father's plan, demonstrating His unwavering faith and love for humanity. This act of selflessness showcases Jesus' perfect alignment with the divine purpose, teaching us the importance of surrendering our desires to follow God's will, even in the face of personal sacrifice. It is an enduring reminder of Jesus' extraordinary character and love for us. 

JULY 16, 2023
Week Two:
Embracing God Wholeheartedly

“When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15‬:‭10‬ (‭NLT)‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Jesus choosing God's will is a profound testament to His obedience, trust, and devotion to His Father. Throughout His ministry, Jesus consistently emphasized that His purpose was to do the will of the Father who sent Him. 

JULY 23, 2023
Week Three:
Embracing God in an
Absolute Surrender

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬ ‭NLT‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

By choosing God's will over His own, Jesus exemplified unparalleled selflessness and surrendered His desires for the greater good. His unwavering commitment to fulfilling God's plan ultimately led Him to endure the crucifixion, offering forgiveness and salvation to all who believe in Him. Jesus' act of choosing God's will is a profound example for believers, encouraging us to seek and embrace God's purposes in our lives. It inspires us to align our desires and actions with His divine will, even when faced with challenges or personal sacrifices.

Lifegroup Week 1 
Title: (Cezar Bucayani)
What is God’s Will?
Lifegroup Week 2
Title: (Mai Flores Ting)
My Will vs God’s Will
Lifegroup Week 3
Title: (Chen Maricar)
Knowing the PURPOSE of Trusting God
Lifegroup Week 4
Title: (Rolyn Gumban)
Surrendering my Desires

Carrier Song:
Spirit Lead Me by Influence Music and Michael Ketterer
Suggested Songs:

Yes I Will by Vertical Worship
I Will Follow by Chris Tomlin
Whole Heart by Passion
Heart Abandoned by Passion and Kristian Stanfill

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